In light of the extraordinary events that have rocked global financial markets this week, I write to express my deepest sympathy and concern for all members of the Georgetown University community impacted by the upheaval.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as the crisis continues and details of remedial efforts are announced. I intend to spend the coming months learning how our friends have been impacted and provide whatever support the University can.
On behalf of President DeGioia and our entire Georgetown community, I extend my hopes for a swift recovery and a brighter future.
I'm ashamed. For all the old grey stone buildings on campus, this just shows how middle-class, gauche, arriviste and bourgeouis (sp?) Georgetown really is.
The true pimp elite aristocracy schools (do I even need to say the "I-word L-word?") know better than to even talk about money, in good times and --- especially --- in bad. These little economic hiccups are the sort of thing that are taken on the chin with a stiff upper lip and all that... anyway, it's something for the accountant people to worry about.
Not Georgetown, though. We have to say this kind of shit. In public.
Come on, guys. Pull it together. At least act like G-town is more than a glorified trade school to put out efficient white-collar servants for America's hereditary elite. Pretend.
After all, no matter how many earnest knowledge workers we can pump into the worlds of law, finance, medicine and politics we're never going to get the admission to the white-shoe world we crave with every ounce of our being if we keep betraying our Mick & Wop Papist working-class origins with this sort of rookie faux paus. Jesus.
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