This greatly concerns the fbomer. In his opinion, there are a couple of problems with these workplace shooting rampages. First, obviously, they kill people. That is, in itself, very bad.
Secondly, they kill the wrong people, which is even worse.
For a look at the epidemic of workplace and schoolyard shootings that America has witnessed since the 1980’s that goes beyond the usual “another lunatic snapped” shrugs that most media serves, check out the book “Going Postal” by Mark Ames.
As this book shows, once you look into the lives of these rampage killers you see that they are usually miserable human beings, living in considerable pain. What’s more, this pain that is often inflicted upon them by other people, usually specific people. Bullies terrorize and torture them at school. Supervisors cut their hours and harass them at work. Women they love reject them. After years of jumping through hoops and sacrificing for a company, that company fires them to squeak out a tiny bit more profit.
But these murderers rarely go out and target the specific people who caused their pain. That would be reprehensible, but at least understandable.
Instead, these killers walk into crowded classrooms, gyms, restaurants, workplaces and spray their bullets at whoever is there. Which is usually a crowd of poor fuckers nearly as powerless, miserable and ground-down as themselves.
Killing someone who has created your painful situation is fucked up enough. But killing people who are completely unconnected to that situation --- that takes the fucked-up-ness to an even higher level.
The fbomber believes that murder is wrong. If you are considering killing anyone, stop. Get help. Talk to someone. Do whatever it takes to solve your problems some other way. If your job is driving you to consider murder, quit. If the place you live makes you want to kill someone, move. If you fantasize about cutting off your wife’s head, divorce her. If the financial stress of your bills and debts makes you feel like you are going to shoot someone, declare bankruptcy. If living in a declining, corrupt, oligopolistic corporatocratic third-world nation masquerading as a modern democracy makes you homicidal, move.
Unfortunately, not everyone will take this advice. Some people are determined to kill.
To those people, the fbomber says this: If you are going to be a murderer, don’t be a dick about it.
Don’t kill people just as poor and powerless as you. They had no hand in creating your misery. If anything, they share it with you. Get someone who helped create and uphold the system that has oppressed you because they benefit from it.
Kill the people who are fucking with you. Kill the rich and powerful.
Will killing the rich and powerful assholes change anything? Maybe. People considering a life of callously exploiting those beneath them might conceivably change their risk/reward calculations if enough exploiters were violently and publicly murdered. Probably not, though. There are a lot of not-so-rich and slightly-less-powerful assholes waiting for an opening above them to fill. And they’ll make sure they have better security.
But still. At the very least, your killing spree won’t heap more terror, pain and misery on people who have had too much of that their whole lives.
Dick Cheney. This is a no-brainer. But considering how his own heart can’t kill him off, I suggest starting with silver bullets, then move on to holy water and stakes through the heart until the job is done.
Karl Rove. For putting the hand on the lever that flushed America down the toilet.
George W. Bush. The flusher.
Any current or former executives for AIG, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citibank, Chase, Countrywide, and, fuck it, on Wall Street in general. Do we really need to give a reason here?
Any executive working for an industry with a “big” in front of it: Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Defense, Big Agriculture. Considering how many people these industries put to death for higher profit margins, it’s simple self-defense.
Supreme Court Justices Scalia, Alito, Thomas and Roberts. Hey, you got your job “for life.” Nobody said how long that was going to be.
Glenn Beck. This is more of a mercy killing, and culling the herd of an obviously damaged specimen.
Sarah Palin. Otherwise, she could breed again.
Anyone ever described as a “neocon.”
Anyone else who encouraged our rush into the Iraq War.
Every Senator besides Bernie Sanders. These fall into the Wall Street/Big Corporation employee category, anyway.
Every Congressman besides Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul and Marcy Kaptur. Again, this was covered in the Wall Street/Big Corporation employees category.
Rupert Murdoch. And take out as many of those other Fox News cocksuckers as you can with him.
Rahm Emmanuel. Give that asshole something to curse about.
Ann Coulter. Self-explanatory.
Bill O’Reilly. Ditto.
Spike Lee. For a millionaire film director, he sure does whine a lot. Obviously, life does not agree with him. Help him out.
Joe Lieberman. If he’s going to walk around with a mouth that looks like a wrinkled old pussy, someone needs to stick a dick in it.

Did I forget anyone?
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