Friday, September 05, 2008

GOPVPT&A2: The Update

No matter how cynical the fbomber gets, he can’t keep up with reality.

The fbomber knew that the Palin appointment would rouse the Mean and Stupid elements of the GOP, but had no idea that this one woman would be the spark that would re-ignite the capital C, capital W, Culture War. The War that has raged --- as best as he can tell --- since the dirty hippies had the nerve to suggest that America would be a cooler place if we didn’t subjugate Negroes, oppress women, legislate an Old Testament Judeo-Christian morality on everyone, kill innocent foreigners without reason and dress up in a dark gray suit every time we left the house.

Those filthy, bra-burning Commies somehow succeeded in corrupting our nation’s morals, causing America to fall from the Edenic peace and purity that existed in this Godly, Righteous nation before oral sex, the electric guitar and incense ruined everything.*

Stoked with the kind of rage that only comes from having freedom, fairness and scientific facts forced onto a mind that has no use for those things, America’s Meanest & Dumbest have burned with an unrelenting, unthinking, resentful fury for the last four decades.

Ever on the alert for a new power source, the Smart and Mean Republicans latched onto this rage early, riding and directing the Dumb & Mean crowd like that twisted dwarf Master rode the huge retard Blaster in “Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.”

An interesting thing almost happened this election. Up until Wednesday, it looked like this year’s Smart and Mean twisted dwarf, John McCain, would be fighting in the Thunderdome solo. Despite a recent conversion to craven, servile televangelist bum-nuzzling,** McCain’s antipathy for the snake-handling set has always been obvious and reciprocated. Without someone that the Guns, God, Babies, Creationism and Hate-Faggots set could get excited about, McCain’s campaign looked ready to expire with the same sad, weak whimper McCain himself makes when he is unable to reach his bedpan in time.

Enter Sarah “Barracuda” Palin.

There was only one small hitch. Before the Republicans could present their model of Family Values and Good Old Fashioned Morality to the nation, they had to dispose of an inconvenient set of embarrassing facts called Her Life, all in a single toilet flush of a press release.

And what a deliciously white-trash set of facts it was, too. A pregnant teenage daughter.*** A drunk-driving husband.**** A power-abuse scandal involving a wife-beating state trooper brother-in-law.***** Close ties to an organization agitating for secession from the United States******. *******.

The only thing missing was clarification on whether the Alaska Governor’s mansion is a single or double-wide.

Despite these little foibles --- any one of which would have caused FOX News to launch a separate, outraged, channel if Obama had done them******** --- she has been received rapturously by her target audience.

Never so rapturously as when she delivered her speech Wednesday, a speech which reminded the fbomber of some bitchy, quarterback-fucking high school cheerleader putting the earnest valedictorian in his social place by reminding everyone how totally lame it is to be smart and care about learning and people and stuff. And that really cool people kick ass and shit. Also drill for oil and cut taxes, because, like, fuck you, nerd, you suck.

For the loyal Dumb & Mean Dog-mericans salivating at her every word, the message could not have been clearer: Attack.

It’s on. That's right, motherfuckers, it's on.*********

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* Oddly --- despite hearing repeated intimations that a prelapsarian bliss suffused America before these morals were corrupted --- the fbomber has never seen an old newspaper headline proclaiming “Everything Just Dandy!” Not even from the 1950’s.

** McCain’s reversals leave the fbomber unable to believe anything the man says. This is a far cry from his previous honesty, when McCain was “The Straight Talk Express.” As a matter of fact, the only straight talk the fbomber has heard from McCain recently is when he called his own wife a cunt.

That I do believe. She even looks scary. Like if JonBenet Ramsey caught that aging disease.

*** The fbomber loves the sense of outrage that Palin’s spokespeople generated about the Internet rumors that pegged the five-month-old Trig as her daughter’s. “How dare you,” they screamed “suggest anything so sordid as that Trig is the 17-year-old Bristol’s secret illegitimate love-child? Bristol’s secret illegitimate love child is ANOTHER BABY ALTOGETHER, one who hasn’t even been born yet, thank you very much. Get your mind out of the gutter.”

The fbomber is also gratified to see how classy Barrack Obama was, sternly telling his campaign that Palin’s family was “off-limits.”

The fbomber agrees with the move, but would have phrased it differently, something along the lines of “The fact that Governor Palin’s preachy, holier-than-though, abstinence-only-education, Traditional-Values, in-your-face, puritanical morality did not prevent her own daughter from being a raving, cock-hungry slut moaning in ecstasy as a horny hockey jock jammed his throbbing fuckstick balls-deep into her quivering, downy-haired, 16-year-old, unmarried cooter without any form of birth control is most definitely ‘off limits.’”

But hey, po-tay-toh, po-tah-to.

**** Dude is a professional snow-mobiler. Who has twice won a 2,000 mile snow-mobile race. 2,000 miles. The fbomber has to salute the pure American-ness of a soul who sees two thousand miles of pristine Arctic Wilderness, unspoiled by man, and thinks to himself that it looks like a great place for him and a hundred other rednecks to drive their snow-Harleys across at top speed.

Best of all, combined with his two other professions of commercial fisherman and oil-field worker, this means that this guy spends literally EVERY WAKING HOUR of his life despoiling the environment and basically raping Mother Nature in some way or the other. You have to respect that commitment.

***** Imagine the shock a family experiences when they learn that a rural cop turns out to be a violent bully. That would be nearly as surprising as marrying a stripper and discovering that she has cocaine and daddy issues.

****** Last I heard, ultra-nationalist elements in Russia were reconsidering the sale of Alaska to the U.S.. The Alaska Independence Party might want to look at some footage of Tblisi getting leveled by mortar fire before they strike off on their own. Or, on second thought, maybe not. Let them just go for it.

******* Adding all these things together, it’s clear that Alaska isn’t the Last Frontier anymore. It’s the New Confederacy.

******** Having grown up in a town of 400 souls, in the Deep Red state of Oklahoma, the fbomber is intimately familiar with how the deeply conflicted Fundamentalist Christian mind works. This mind --- consisting of its unstable mixture of natural, unsophisticated, vulgar impulses and indoctrinated, all-pervasive shame and guilt about those impulses --- is willing to overlook and forgive just about any perverse act, just so long as the person didn’t actually enjoy it.

In this way, both liberals and conservatives live by the motto of “If it feels good, Do It.” The conservatives simply add the extra steps of “Fight It, Hide It, Deny It, Regret It and Persecute It.”

********* Having long ago deserted the Culture Wars frontline to hide out in the safe fortress of Los Angeles, the fbomber remains ready to offer terms of a truce. We Godless, arrogant abortionists get New York, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles. You ignorant, hypocritical pigfuckers can have everything else. In other words, the status quo. Let's go ahead and make it official.


Anonymous said...

How fabulous are you? Now if you could get famous and refuse to sell out and say that directly into a microphone- not only would I cheer, I would not hesitate to throw myself in front of a bullet directed at you from Meanshitsticks gun- I would go even a step further and stand next to you at the podium with a fully loaded automatic Barrett and pick off packing MeanDumbFucks so you could finish the speech!

Until then I will remain in complete agreement and impressed with your eloquent candor.

Anonymous said...

Funny as hell Fbomber.

Going to piss you off though. Aside from the fact that she named her children Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow and something else dumb, she seems reasonably normal to me.

She and McCain are not Bush and Cheney by any measure and ignoring for a moment that I am normally right-leaning anyway, I think McCain and Palin is a pretty decent ticket.

I totally get all the hullabaloo about Obama and I got goosebumps watching his acceptance speech. It is a big moment and this is a big time for you Americans.

But if the country goes for McCain and Palin, that is not the same thing as asking for four more years of Bush-style politics.

Your quadrant graph indicates that Obama could have to work a little harder than he thinks. We're in for a close one.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Palin's "normal" all right. Meaning that she lines up pretty well with the rest of our population. But "Normal" isn't good enough for me in the White House, my friend. If I want to see normal, I'll go to Wal-Mart and sneer.

Though McCain is no Bush... really, nobody COULD be.... Sheer dumb chance dictates that the next guy would be better, where it counts --- The War and The Economy --- he's completely committed to the very worst Republican policies. McCain isn't even pretending that he'll get us out of that money, blood and reputation sinkhole anytime soon. Much less doing the things that obviously need to be done to make our balance sheet numbers right again. Plus, his age, health and temperament aren't as sound as the world's most stressful & important job requires.

I'm no Obama-maniac. In fact, I'll confess that if he doesn't give someone a warm fuzzy feeling inside their tummy, then he doesn't offer much to that someone. His resume certainly doesn't sell his readiness to take office, that's for sure.

He's got my vote and moral support, though, because he at least professes to want to do most of the the things that I want done. That goes a long way with me, especially compared to a candidate who professes to want to do the exact opposite. Also, he is smart and young and vigorous and --- so far --- seemingly capable of executing like a cross between Michael Jordan and a fucking neurosurgeon.

It's going to be close. The thing that scares me about Obama is that --- coming from his safe haven of Southside Chicago, he's never had to win a Stupid Redneck's vote to get elected. And in my life experience so far --- Carter/Ford, Reagan/Carter, Reagan/Mondale, Bush I/Dukakis, Clinton/Bush I, Clinton/Dole, Bush II/Gore, Bush II/Kerry --- the election has gone to whoever poses as the biggest Good Old Boy that go-round.

Anonymous said...

Normal? This is hilarious! Don't you know anyone in Alaska? Friends up there are laughing their asses off.

I agree with Colster about Obama- but the truth is, we will have more time to get the hell out of this country if Obama is selected.

These are scary times.

Anonymous said...

This is the funniest, wittiest blog I've ever read. (Actually, it's the only blog I've read.) But I love it! Keep up the good work, Son.
WHERE did you learn some of those words??