Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Um, sorry, that's not going to do it

In this article, Bush makes his grandiose offer.

"Bush said his White House counsel, Fred Fielding, told lawmakers they could interview presidential counselor Karl Rove, former White House Counsel Harriet Miers and their deputies — but only on the president's terms: in private, "without the need for an oath" and without a transcript."

Bushie-Boy seems to be laboring under the delusion that his ideological and financial cronies still run things in Congress.

You'll note that he doesn't give any hint of reason why his staff can't testify under conditions in which it's more difficult to get away with lies, besides ""We will not go along with a partisan fishing expedition aimed at honorable public servants. ..."

A more laughable statement can't be imagined coming from someone who only came as close to election as he did in 2000 on the strength of exactly that... a fishing expedition into Clinton's real estate dealings that uncovered the shocking fact that a man would tell fibs to avoid getting caught cheating on his wife.

Still you can hardly blame him for shielding his henchmen so vehemently.

Once Rove and his thugs are up on the stand, under oath and in front of the cameras there's no telling what kinds of skeletons, corpses and bound-and-gagged living captives might fall out of the administration's closet.

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